Never inhale~!!

ok, so I have done a photoshoot with a cigarette once ( like Bill Clinton, I did not inhale) ....and today I have done a photoshoot with a cigarette making it twice.. but this time I did the silly thing .. of .. inhaling and OMG.. curiosity did killed the cat.I was like.. hmm.. I wonder what this is all about.. Im going to go for it and take a drag... and that crap is utterlly gross.. I literally felt my lungs burning!!!!!.. and that feeling of being relaxed.. calmed.. where is it?? 

Well for some reason my body did not take it like that.  its 2:40am and I  have a headache.. weird.. that is one thing I am sure to never try again..

•I dont mind taking cool photos with cigarettes as an illusion that I am smoking ..but I would never  ever try to inhale them again..

never again will I inhale...

I am non smoker for life.....

anyhoot, I cant wait to review the photos from my photo shoot. It was with my  utter most favorite being/artist/inspiration in the entire planet: JERRY AVENAIM ( thats right, I yelled it) ;)

                                               .......see it bigger here .....

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